NED Breaks

Crazy 8's or Ocho Loco

NedBreak designed by Ellen Thompson

  1. Count down from 8 to 1 saying each number aloud while simultaneously shaking your right arm on each count, repeat the countdown of 8 to 1 with your left arm, then repeat the countdown of 8 to 1 while shaking your right leg, then repeat the countdown of 8 to 1 while shaking your left leg.
  2. Everyone says the countdown numbers aloud with you while shaking their limbs.
  3. Next round count down from 7 to 1 saying each number aloud while simultaneously shaking your right arm on each count, then repeat with the left arm, right leg, left leg.
  4. Next round count down from 6 to 1, continue counting down and shaking limbs until you get to 1. Try to go a little faster each countdown round.

Try it in Spanish for the Ocho Loco version.